How A great Employer Looks like.

Many people today are asking either their mentors or their peers how well a great employer should view and treat his/her employees, rather than just judging them from mere first instances or when they catch up with them doing odd things during work hours.

The response o this question has been met with a lot of perceptive thinking as many see it as a burning issue that needs addressing in the modern working environment.

So to answer some of you quickly, below is a short story to pinpoint exactly how a great boss or employer should look like.

One day, Billionaire Richard Branson suddenly visited one of his companies branches and found this employee sleeping.

He took a photo beside him and published it as follows:

In order to remain the first company in the customers’ satisfaction, this employee worked so hard and now he’s so tired, which forced him to rest a little.

Perspectives and perception are key drivers in life. While one boss somewhere may see it as sleeping on duty while you’re being paid for full time, Richard Branson saw beyond the surface conclusion, and believe me, he’s probably right.

Brush your perceptions and perspectives in life to see things from different angles, and not just from the surface outlook.

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