Welcome the first African manufactured Laptop

Welcome the new Congolese make ′′ Windows 7′′ computer ready to sell on the world market.

Professor Jean Bele of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the massive brain behind this amazing gadget. His new laptop OKAPI Win7 manufacturing has just been certified globally, meeting ISO standards, before its commercialization announced shortly in the Congolese, African and global markets.

Jean Mongu Bele is a Professor and Researcher in Nuclear Physics at the prestigious American Technological University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

He is also the one who designed and manufactured OKAPI smartphones already marketed on the North American market and even here in Kinshasa, Congo at number 7556, Kabasele Tshamala Avenue, ex Flambeau, in the Gombe municipality.

Africa to the world baby!

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Credit: Leader of tomorrow